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Preparing Your Quilt for Longarm Service

Depending on the details of your project and the services you are having completed by your long-arm quilter, there are steps you can take to prepare your project in order to save time and money.


Your project begins with a personal consultation in our studio during which you will choose from more than 100 available pantographs and dozens of thread colors--and if we don't have quite what you are looking for, we've been known to add to those pantographs and thread colors.


While you can supply the batting and backing of your choice, we carry batting and backing for our own quilting projects and make those available to our longarm service customers at our cost--often much less expensive than they can be found in quilt stores and retailers. We buy in bulk and pass those savings on to our customers.


Two Hearts

Long-arm Quilting:


You Supply the Top - Bring a complete quilt top to Sew Quiltable. Check that it is clean and look for missed seams.


You Supply Batting - Make sure your batting is 4 inches longer on all sides, meaning 8 inches total longer and wider than the quilt top.


You Supply Backing - Make sure your backing is clean and has no missed seams if it is pieced. In addition, make sure your backing is 4 inches longer on all sides, meaning 8 inches total longer and wider than the quilt top.


You Supply Binding - If you wish to supply binding and have me finish the quilt, you can save expense by preparing your binding as a single 1 1/2" strip at least 6 inches longer than the perimeter of the quilt.

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